The Darkness Before the Dawn
At an Archetypes course I attended many years ago, it was revealed that in the house of my highest potential lives the Artist.
At an Archetypes course I attended many years ago, it was revealed that in the house of my highest potential lives the Artist.
What would you like to keep out and let go of so that you can feed instead of deplete your soul.
There is a disconnect in my gut, its mouth is taped shut. It is choking on all the words it was never allowed to speak. Pushed down, repressed, swallowed…
This Heartstart is a Healthscan to help you assess where you are physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually out of balance, in order to reflect on physical symptoms resulting from these imbalances and to identify sources of nourishment that will bring you back into balance.
Between heaven and earth there is a space, where all of life happens. A space where homes are built, work is done, goals are attained, families are raised, love is made, lessons are learnt, hearts are broken and healed, feelings are felt and lives are lived.
Guiding you through the decision-making process to ensure alignment between your vision and values.
Sometimes I find myself at a crossroads in my life, a transition, a choice point, when I am faced with important decisions that need to be taken. More often than not there are two or three options, presenting themselves at the same time.
Help to shift ingrained patterns that don’t serve you to new patterns that support what you would like to really experience.
My perfectionism, my need to get it right, symmetrical or appealing kicked in…and together with growing ’technical competence’ and ‘mastery of the art’ that was being gained, something got lost.
Departures + Destinations A journey towards your Impossible Dream entails discovery and manifestation of your full potential and the deeper layers of your personal capacity. If it’s been on your mind and…